Because we aim to connect with human emotions, my methodology comes from a merged practice involving:

· STORYTELLING – Transferring information and narrating it through engaging stories to evoke emotions and generate reactions
· DESIGN THINKING human-centred co-creation and research (what do our audiences need and why?)
· DESIGN FUTURES – gathering research/speculations for future-making

This approach opens a communication channel that triggers questions and curiosity, gathers information, and can even inspire behavioral change.

I put together these techniques to design events, communication campaigns, document, research, and create experiences for audiences. 


Today I am a freelancer and help individuals and collectives connect the dots, document and connect with their audiences meaningfully.

I work with transdisciplinary teams:
cultural institutions, creative studios, spatial designers, placemakers, innovation/research labs and NGOs.

They all question our present practices, research, and work to transition towards a positive future


Welcome! I am Mar Gimeno Lumbiarres (she/her)
Born on the 16th of December, 1994, Barcelona. Based in Rotterdam (NL), working with projects around the Netherlands, Spain and worldwide. We may communicate in Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, English or starter Dutch.

With a Storytelling and Communications career in my backpack (Cinema + Photography studies and working with cinema directors, music publishing figures, etc) my life took another turn when I discovered my passion: bringing stories out of the screen. I am captivated by how narratives can help us connect with new mindsets, fostering enriching social transitions for a better present and future.

I am always curious, and eager to explore new perspectives of our reality and to experiment with unconventional narrative formats. My goal? Create narratives that may engage children and adults, and provoke a reaction. These usually are born from a balanced merge of disciplines -including traditional practices, technology, psychology and research- put together in a joint environment (physical or virtual space).

Other places you may find me:
I am an active team member of revolutionary projects such as Garage Stories (innovation lab for positive impact use case with storytelling+emerging tech) and the International Exhibition of Craft Audio-visuals (CCAM/Generalitat de Catalunya)

 Or you may find me sparkling community at Creative Mornings Rotterdam or FuckUp Nights Barcelona.

My Method

Striking the chord.

Personal and professional life events have taught me that everything is nailed to human interactions.

We may be connecting with some experience
(service or product) because we are getting to feel 
the story behind it.

In a nutshell:
– There is always a story
– We are being triggered by its emotions
– Our mission is to highlight this story to attract your audience and boost your business

Design Thinking.

*Design Thinking struck a chord in my creative process. It’s the methodology that helps me (us) deeply understand, connect and bring solutions to the social, emotional, and physical needs of our audiences.  

How can I help you?

My mission is to tackle the human values and feelings of your projects’ story. Then, bring them up into the user experience (product) to make it remarkable.

Our Roadmap.

1) Together, we will pull the threads of light of your project.
2) We will find out the story behind it (What triggered your business idea? Your challenge? What do you want to contribute to the world? Your dream?).
3) And transform its potential into an
experience that touches people, is memorable, and generates revenue!

My philosophy


As the years pass, I have realized how the experiences that most touched our hearts
were the ones that rawly approached our human side.

As a photographer and filmmaker, I felt I needed to break the borders and seek to encounter the protagonists of our story showing their purest real side. 

My image treatment is all about paying attention. Navigating the nuances. Smoothly zooming in, finding the beauty of silent details and gestures.

Somehow as if we tried to portray the senses and feelings the main character of our story is experiencing, to end building a memorable experience.



Cinema/TV Degree  (2016-Barcelona/Lisboa) 
   __ FCRI Blanquerna  / ESCS

Narrative Photography, Retouching and Digital Image Processing  (2017 – Bcn) 
   __ GrisArt International Photography School 

Foundations in Design Thinking (2021 – remote)
   __ IDEOU

El món de la performance: Teoria i pràctica de l’art d’acció
(2022-current – Barcelona)
   __ Escola Massana

Copywriting (2023-current – remote)
   __ Florida Global University / Escuela de Copywriters


IAMAIR Pilot intervention x MuseumNatch010 (2024 – Rotterdam)
__ Depot Boijmans van Beuningen / Performance

Abrissparty – Radikales Interior Design (NDR TV Pilot)
__ Studio C.A.R.E., NDR
(2023 – Germany) / Performance intervention

LA MOSTRA x Ruta Performance (2023 – Bcn)
__ Escola Massana / Performance

Collective Exhibition ‘Six of a Mind’ / ‘OO’ Immersive pannel (2017 – Bcn)
__ Curation by Natasha Christia / MUTUO Gallery / Artist in Exhibition

Collaborative Exhibition ‘Family of No Man’ (2018 – France)
__ Curation by Natasha Christia and Brad Feuerhelm / Les Recontres d’Arles /
Artist in Exhibition

Collective Exhibition ‘Un Món Ofegat pel Plàstic’ (2019 – Bcn)
   ___ Vidas Sostenibles and Ajuntament de Barcelona / Artist in Exhibition


‘Filla del Foc’ teaser projection + pitch (2016 – Bcn)
   __ Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya

eCocoon project (2021 – Bcn)
   __ ‘Garage Stories Impact: Emerging media lab (VR/AR/AI) to foster real impact’

Erasmus For Young Entrepreneurs (2023 – Rotterdam, NL)
_ European Comission (EU)



Cinema/TV Degree  (2016-Barcelona/Lisboa) 
   __ FCRI Blanquerna  / ESCS

Narrative Photography, Retouching and Digital Image Processing  (2017 – Bcn) 
   __ GrisArt International Photography School 

Foundations in Design Thinking (2021 – remote)
   __ IDEOU

El món de la performance: Teoria i pràctica de l’art d’acció
(2022-current – Barcelona)
   __ Escola Massana

Copywriting (2023-current – remote)
   __ Florida Global University / Escuela de Copywriters



IAMAIR Pilot intervention x MuseumNatch010 (2024 – Rotterdam)
__ Depot Boijmans van Beuningen / Performance

Abrissparty – Radikales Interior Design (NDR TV Pilot)
__ Studio C.A.R.E., NDR
(2023 – Germany) / Performance intervention

LA MOSTRA x Ruta Performance (2023 – Bcn)
__ Escola Massana / Performance

Collective Exhibition ‘Six of a Mind’ / ‘OO’ Immersive pannel (2017 – Bcn)
__ Curation by Natasha Christia / MUTUO Gallery / Artist in Exhibition

Collaborative Exhibition ‘Family of No Man’ (2018 – France)
__ Curation by Natasha Christia and Brad Feuerhelm / Les Recontres d’Arles /
Artist in Exhibition

Collective Exhibition ‘Un Món Ofegat pel Plàstic’ (2019 – Bcn)
   ___ Vidas Sostenibles and Ajuntament de Barcelona / Artist in Exhibition


‘Filla del Foc’ teaser projection + pitch (2016 – Bcn)
   __ Clúster Audiovisual de Catalunya

eCocoon project (2021 – Bcn)
   __ ‘Garage Stories Impact: Emerging media lab (VR/AR/AI) to foster real impact’

Erasmus For Young Entrepreneurs (2023 – Rotterdam, NL)
_ European Comission (EU)

My Story

Who am I?

My name is Mar, like the «sea».
I came to this world in 1994. Original from Barcelona city, although I’ve always considered myself a world citizen.

As we may end working together, I would love to break the ice by coming closer first as a human, then as a professional!

– Nature is the phenomenon that inspires me the most.
– I also wonder a lot about the roots of humanity and where we are heading.
– I love surfing, skating and playing the drums. I am also passionate about art, languages, volunteering for environmental and human purposes, and bonding with friends from all over the world.
– Challenging myself to live and learn new experiences is my motto and I’ve always dreamt about becoming a (good) pirate!
– An album that inspires me: Loveless — My Bloody Valentine
– My favourite moving picture: Spirited Away — Hayao Miyazaki

Welcome to my line of life.

These are the landmarks that have preceded a change of gaze in my journey. The «a-ha» moments in which something clicked in my mind and I got to answer an important question or formulate a new one. These dots are not just celebrations, but also lows and breakdowns, from where I have been able to shift direction or nail my focus to blossom and grow stronger.

My Story

Who am I?

Welcome to my line of life.

These are the landmarks that have preceded a change of gaze in my journey. The «a-ha» moments in which something clicked in my mind and I got to answer an important question or formulate a new one. These dots are not just celebrations, but also lows and breakdowns, from where I have been able to shift direction or nail my focus to blossom and grow stronger.

My name is Mar, like the «sea».
I came to this world in 1994. Original from Barcelona city, although I’ve always considered myself a world citizen.

As we may end working together, I would love to break the ice by coming closer first as a human, then as a professional!

– Nature is the phenomenon that inspires me the most.
– I also wonder a lot about the roots of humanity and where we are heading.
– I love surfing, skating and playing the drums. I am also passionate about art, exhibitions, cinema,  languages, volunteering for environmental and human purposes, and bonding with friends from all over the world.
– Challenging myself to live and learn new experiences is my motto and I’ve always dreamt about becoming a (good) pirate!
– An album that inspires me: Loveless — My Bloody Valentine
– My favourite moving picture: Spirited Away — Hayao Miyazaki

The DNA of your project.

Innovate, look ahead into the future, but always remind of your roots and the people you are impacting in this present.

Let’s meet and co-create. We’ll use the tools of CINEMATIC STORYTELLING and DESIGN THINKING to connect with your desired audiences. All formats of projects are valid! Remember that we are always aiming to connect with people and their emotions.

Let’s team up!

My Method

Striking the chord with Storytelling.

Personal and professional life events have taught me that everything is nailed to human interactions.

We may be connecting with some experience
(service or product) because we are getting to feel 
the story behind it.

In a nutshell:
– There is always a story
– We are being triggered by its emotions
– Our mission is to highlight this story to attract your audience and boost your business

Design Thinking.

*Design Thinking struck a chord in my creative process. It’s the methodology that helps me (us) deeply understand, connect and bring solutions to the social, emotional, and physical needs of our audiences.  

How can I help you?

My mission is to tackle the human values and feelings of your projects’ story. Then, bring them up into the user experience (product) to make it remarkable.

Our Roadmap.

1) Together, we will pull the threads of light of your project.
2) We will find out the story behind it (What triggered your business idea? What challenge are you facing? How does your project contribute to the world?).
3) And transform its potential into an
experience that touches people, is memorable, and generates revenue!

My Method

Striking the chord with storytelling.

Personal and professional life events have taught me that everything is nailed to human interactions.

We may be connecting with some experience
(service or product) because we are getting to feel 
the story behind it.

In a nutshell:
– There is always a story
– We are being triggered by its emotions
– Our mission is to highlight this story to attract your audience and boost your business

Design Thinking.

*Design Thinking struck a chord in my creative process. It’s the methodology that helps me (us) deeply understand, connect and bring solutions to the social, emotional, and physical needs of our audiences.  

How can I help you?

My mission is to tackle the human values and feelings of your projects’ story. Then, bring them up into the user experience (product) to make it remarkable.

Our Roadmap.

1) Together, we will pull the threads of light of your project.
2) We will find out the story behind it (What triggered your business idea? Your challenge? What do you want to contribute to the world? Your dream?).
3) And transform its potential into an
experience that touches people, is memorable, and generates revenue!