Synopsis: In a post-apocalyptic world, in a natural and timeless space, the human being experiences a regression to its origins, turning into an animal beast.

Methodology: crossed-process between life performance and film shooting while working with a cinema crew.

GrisArt Escola Internacional de Fotografia
MUTUO Gallery





Roles: Director, artist

Phase 1

A man and a woman have started a new life in the bowels of the forest,
following a primitive impulse that urged them to flee into Mother Nature.

Phase 2

With the arrival of darkness,

both characters start suffering a transformation.

Phase 3

Woman and man lose any vestige of civilization and Humanity, immersing themselves into the world of vermin

By the end, becoming a one more beast.

Roles: Director, artist



'Six Of a Mind' collective exhibition @MUTUO Gallery

Roles: Director, film, photo
Commissioned by Grisart Escola Internacional de Fotografia
Curated by Natasha Christia


· Background wall vinyl (180×300 cm) 

· 3 prints:
Inkjet printing in Paper Matt Fibre 200 gr (40×50 cm + 30×40 cm)
Inkjet printing triptych in Paper Matt Fibre 200 gr (20×90 cm)

An immersive wall

· Ephemeral elements:
Nature elements extracted from the shooting’s location
(365 days after)

· Lightning:  
Hanged 35 mm LED bulbs 5500 Kelvin
Motion sensor LED lamp 5500 Kelvin

· Sound effects:
5 min soundtrack